
Deploy Additional Blockchain for Multi-hop

Set up a new blockchain to test ICTT multi-hop transfers.

Create a new blockchain myblockchain2 for multi-hop transfer

avalanche blockchain create myblockchain2
 I want to use defaults for a test environment
 Chain ID: 2
 Token Symbol: chain2
prefunding address 0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC with balance 1000000000000000000000000
 Successfully created blockchain configuration

Deploy the new blockchain myblockchain2

avalanche blockchain deploy myblockchain2
 Local Network

Get the Teleporter Registry Address of myblockchain2

avalanche blockchain describe myblockchain2
|                                         ICM                                               |
| Local Network | ICM Messenger Address        | 0x253b2784c75e510dD0fF1da844684a1aC0aa5fcf |
|               +------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
|               | ICM Registry Address         | 0xa3493940a13b426BD2f7dA6E55A39c060C0e6020 | // [!code highlight]

Save the Teleporter Registry Address

Most other environment variables we will need are already set in the devcontainer or from the previous section.

export TELEPORTER_REGISTRY_CHAIN2=0xa3493940a13b426BD2f7dA6E55A39c060C0e6020

Get the Blockchain ID (hex) of myblockchain2

|                                                 MYBLOCKCHAIN2                                                 |
| Name          | myblockchain2                                                                                 |
| VM ID         | qDNV9vtxZYYNqm7TSa9KnDTRabGxtBLv6vd888791J9a89kTF                                             |
| VM Version    | v0.6.9                                                                                        |
| Local Network | ChainID                  | 2                                                                  |
|               +--------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+
|               | SubnetID                 | 2KhsQJhH3VqS7WWMreodAAHpGfGCUNuGQDSaP2vUT29p1HELBV                 |
|               +--------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+
|               | Owners (Threhold=1)      | P-custom18jma8ppw3nhx5r4ap8clazz0dps7rv5u9xde7p                    |
|               +--------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+
|               | BlockchainID (CB58)      | 2ZempAyezixFRdJhJribDdj2wiK6YFF63CkXKaimfPb3hWeWVH                 |
|               +--------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+
|               | BlockchainID (HEX)       | 0xcdd5b2b99ae462c32a8e4ea47e94f2c7804519353558fd4127cf7ae11d8a6e52 | // [!code highlight]

Save the Source Blockchain ID

export SOURCE_BLOCKCHAIN2_ID_HEX=0xcdd5b2b99ae462c32a8e4ea47e94f2c7804519353558fd4127cf7ae11d8a6e52

Add myblockchain2 RPC to foundry.toml config

local-c = "http://localhost:9650/ext/bc/C/rpc"
myblockchain = "http://localhost:9650/ext/bc/myblockchain/rpc"
myblockchain2 = "http://localhost:9650/ext/bc/myblockchain2/rpc"

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