
Deploy a Remote Contract

Deploy the Token Remote on your own blockchain

To ensure the wrapped token is bridged into the destination chain (in this case, C-Chain) you'll need to deploy a remote contract that implements the IERC20Bridge interface, as well as inheriting the properties of TeleporterTokenRemote. In order for the bridged tokens to have all the normal functionality of a locally deployed ERC20 token, this remote contract must also inherit the properties of a standard ERC20 contract.

Get the Teleporter Registry address of your Avalanche L1

avalanche blockchain describe myblockchain
|                                         TELEPORTER                                        |
| Local Network | ICM Messenger Address        | 0x253b2784c75e510dD0fF1da844684a1aC0aa5fcf |
|               +------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
|               | ICM Registry Address         | 0x82EeEf8e31D4Bf95916219D7949D66c468Ac0681 | // [!code highlight]

Save the Teleporter Registry Address

Most other environment variables we will need are already set in the devcontainer.

export TELEPORTER_REGISTRY_L1=0x82EeEf8e31D4Bf95916219D7949D66c468Ac0681

Get the Source Blockchain ID

Get the Source Blockchain ID in hexidecimal format from the output of avalanche blockchain describe myblockchain above, which in this example is the BlockchainID of your Avalanche L1:

|                                                  MYBLOCKCHAIN                                                 |
| Name          | myblockchain                                                                                  |
| VM ID         | qDNV9vtxZYYNqm7TN1mYBuaaknLdefDbFK8bFmMLTJQJKaWjV                                             |
| VM Version    | v0.6.9                                                                                        |
| Local Network | ChainID                  | 1                                                                  |
|               +--------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+
|               | SubnetID                 | 2AKbBT8jFUfUsUJ2hhRiDUnAAajJdNhTKeNgEe3q77spMj1N8F                 |
|               +--------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+
|               | Owners (Threhold=1)      | P-custom18jma8ppw3nhx5r4ap8clazz0dps7rv5u9xde7p                    |
|               +--------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+
|               | BlockchainID (CB58)      | 2EzvQgth5D5aZ81gmF13TsA61c2zduHWqszYPVvzzvRWZXcQgA                 |
|               +--------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+
|               | BlockchainID (HEX)       | 0xa37b5143f12ecf020ec893e4a8f48159e470b47fd9ff293ab0a808be47a4f67c | // [!code highlight]

Save the Source Blockchain ID


Deploy the Remote Contract

Using the forge create command, we will deploy the ERC20TokenRemote.sol contract, passing in the following constructor arguments:

  • Interchain Messaging Registry Address (for C-Chain)
  • Interchain Messaging Manager (our funded address)
  • Source Blockchain ID (hexidecimal representation of our Avalanche L1's Blockchain ID)
  • Token Home Address (address of NativeTokenHome.sol deployed on Avalanche L1 in the last step)
  • Token Name (input in the constructor of the wrapped token contract)
  • Token Symbol (input in the constructor of the wrapped token contract)
  • Token Decimals (uint8 integer representing number of decimal places for the ERC20 token being created. Most ERC20 tokens follow the Ethereum standard, which defines 18 decimal places.)
forge create --rpc-url myblockchain --private-key $PK \
lib/avalanche-interchain-token-transfer/contracts/src/TokenRemote/ERC20TokenRemote.sol:ERC20TokenRemote \
--constructor-args "(${TELEPORTER_REGISTRY_L1}, ${FUNDED_ADDRESS}, ${C_CHAIN_BLOCKCHAIN_ID_HEX}, ${ERC20_HOME_C_CHAIN}, 18)" "TOK" "TOK" 18 --broadcast

Save the Remote Contract Address

Note the address the remote contract was "Deployed to".

export ERC20_TOKEN_REMOTE_L1=<"Deployed to" address>

Register Remote Bridge with Home Bridge

After deploying the bridge contracts, you'll need to register the remote bridge by sending a dummy message using the registerWithHome method. This message includes details which inform the Home Bridge about your destination blockchain and bridge settings, eg. initialReserveImbalance.

cast send --rpc-url myblockchain --private-key $PK $ERC20_TOKEN_REMOTE_L1 \
"registerWithHome((address, uint256))" "(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000, 0)"

Approve tokens for the Home Bridge contract

You can increase/decrease the numbers here as per your requirements. (All values are mentioned in wei)

cast send --rpc-url local-c --private-key $PK $ERC20_C_CHAIN \
"approve(address, uint256)" $ERC20_HOME_C_CHAIN 2000000000000000000000

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