
Unpacking Multiple Inputs & Packing Multiple Outputs

Learn how to unpack multiple inputs and packing multiple outputs.

Unpack/Pack Functions For Each Operation

As with the MD5 precompile, the generator created the pack/unpack functions for each operation of our Calculator and CalculatorPlus precompiles. However, you might have noticed that the generator also created some struct in each respective contract.go file. In the case of CalculatorPrecompile, we have:

type AddInput struct {
    Value1 *big.Int
    Value2 *big.Int
type NextTwoOutput struct {
    Result1 *big.Int
    Result2 *big.Int
type RepeatInput struct {
    Times *big.Int
    Text  string

The generator creates these structs whenever a function defined in the respective Solidity interface has more than one input or more than one output. These multiple values are now stored together via structs.

Unpacking Multiple Inputs

To understand how unpacking works when structs are introduced, let's take a look at the add function in the Calculator precompile, which takes in two inputs, and the nextTwo, which takes in only one input.

// UnpackAddInput attempts to unpack [input] as AddInput
// assumes that [input] does not include selector (omits first 4 func signature bytes)
func UnpackAddInput(input []byte) (AddInput, error) {
    inputStruct := AddInput{}
    err := CalculatorABI.UnpackInputIntoInterface(&inputStruct, "add", input)
    return inputStruct, err
// UnpackNextTwoInput attempts to unpack [input] into the *big.Int type argument
// assumes that [input] does not include selector (omits first 4 func signature bytes)
func UnpackNextTwoInput(input []byte) (*big.Int, error) {
    res, err := CalculatorABI.UnpackInput("nextTwo", input)
    if err != nil {
        return big.NewInt(0), err
    unpacked := *abi.ConvertType(res[0], new(*big.Int)).(**big.Int)
    return unpacked, nil

As you can see, both unpacker functions take a byte array as an input but the UnpackAddInput returns a value of the type AddInput (which contains two big.Int values) and UnpackNextTwoInput returns a value of the type big.Int.

In each case, the respective unpacking function takes in a byte array as an input. However, UnpackAddInput returns a value of the type AddInput, which is a struct that contains two big.Int values. UnpackNextTwo, meanwhile, returns an value of type big.Int.

To demonstrate how one could use the output of unpacking functions like UnpackAddInput, below is the implementation of the add function of the Calculator precompile:

func add(accessibleState contract.AccessibleState, caller common.Address, addr common.Address, input []byte, suppliedGas uint64, readOnly bool) (ret []byte, remainingGas uint64, err error) {
    if remainingGas, err = contract.DeductGas(suppliedGas, AddGasCost); err != nil {
        return nil, 0, err
    // attempts to unpack [input] into the arguments to the AddInput.
    // Assumes that [input] does not include selector
    // You can use unpacked [inputStruct] variable in your code
    inputStruct, err := UnpackAddInput(input)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, remainingGas, err
    var output *big.Int // CUSTOM CODE FOR AN OUTPUT
    output = big.NewInt(0).Add(inputStruct.Value1, inputStruct.Value2)
    packedOutput, err := PackAddOutput(output)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, remainingGas, err
    // Return the packed output and the remaining gas
    return packedOutput, remainingGas, nil

Packing Multiple Outputs

To understand how structs affect the packing of outputs, lets refer to PackNextTwoOutput for the Calculator precompile:

// PackHashWithMd5Output attempts to pack given hash of type [16]
// PackNextTwoOutput attempts to pack given [outputStruct] of type NextTwoOutput
// to conform the ABI outputs.
func PackNextTwoOutput(outputStruct NextTwoOutput) ([]byte, error) {
    return CalculatorABI.PackOutput("nextTwo",

Notice here that even though we are no longer working with singular types, the generator still is able to pack our struct so that it is of the type bytes.

As a result, we are able to return the packed version of any NextTwoOutput struct as bytes at the end of nextTwo.

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