
Build and Run

Learn how to build and run your custom VM on a local network.

Time to build and run your customized EVM. Follow the steps below to build and run your custom VM on a local network.

Build Your Custom VM

There's a simple build script in the Precompile-EVM we can utilize to build. First, make sure you are in the root folder of you Precompile-EVM:

cd $GOPATH/src/

Then run the command to initiate the build script:


If you do not see any error, the build was successful.

Create your blockchain configuration

You can run you customized Precompile-EVM by using the Avalanche CLI.

First, create the configuration for your blockchain with custom VM.

avalanche blockchain create myblockchain \
 --custom \
 --vm $VM_PATH \
 --genesis "./.devcontainer/genesis-example.json" \
 --force \
 --sovereign=false \
 --evm-token "TOK" \
 --warp \

Launch L1 with you customized EVM

Next, launch the Avalanche L1 with your custom VM:

avalanche blockchain deploy myblockchain --local

After around 1 minute the blockchain should have been created and some more output should appear in the terminal. You'll also see the RPC URL of your blockchain in the terminal.

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