
Token Hooks

Hooks for interacting with ERC20 tokens.

Token Hooks

BuilderKit provides hooks for interacting with ERC20 tokens, including balance checking, approvals, and token information.


The useTokens hook provides functions for accessing token information and performing token-related operations.

import { useTokens } from '@avalabs/builderkit';
const { 
} = useTokens();
// Get token information
const [name, symbol, decimals] = await getCustomToken(
  43114,                 // Chain ID
  "0x1234..."           // Token address
// Get token balance
const balance = await getBalance(
  43114,                 // Chain ID
  "0x1234...",          // Token address
  "0x5678..."           // Wallet address
// Check allowance
const allowance = await getAllowance(
  43114,                 // Chain ID
  "0x1234...",          // Token address
  "0x5678...",          // Owner address
  "0x9012..."           // Spender address
// Generate approve transaction
const approveData = approve(
  "0x1234...",          // Token address
  "0x5678...",          // Spender address
  new BigNumber("1.0"),  // Amount
  18                     // Decimals

Available Functions

  • getCustomToken(chain_id: number, address: string): Get token name, symbol, and decimals
  • getBalance(chain_id: number, address: string, wallet: string): Get token balance for an address
  • getAllowance(chain_id: number, address: string, owner: string, spender: string): Get token allowance
  • approve(address: string, spender: string, amount: BigNumber, decimals: number): Generate approve transaction data

Integration Example

function TokenApproval({ token, spender }: { token: string, spender: string }) {
  const { getAllowance, approve } = useTokens();
  const [allowance, setAllowance] = useState("0");
  useEffect(() => {
    const checkAllowance = async () => {
      const amount = await getAllowance(43114, token, account, spender);
  }, [token, spender]);
  const handleApprove = () => {
    const data = approve(token, spender, new BigNumber("1000"), 18);
    return (
        title="Approve Token"
        description="Approving token for spending"
  return (
      <div>Current Allowance: {allowance}</div>

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