
Set Up Avalanche Starter Kit

Learn about the basics of Avalanche.

The Avalanche Starter Kit contains everything you need to get started quickly with Avalanche. Among other tools it contains Avalanche CLI. With that you can set up a local network, create a Avalanche L1, customize the Avalanche L1/VM configuration, and so on.

In this course we will run the Avalanche Starter Kit in a hosted environment on Github. This is the most quick way to get started.

Set Up Avalanche Starter Kit:

Create a Codespace

Open in GitHub Codespaces

The Codespace will open in a new tab. You must be logged into a GitHub account, otherwise codespaces will not be available. Wait a few minutes until it's fully built. Alternatively, you can also clone the repo:

Open Avalanche Starter Kit

Verify everything is working correctly

Open the terminal with Ctrl + ` or by opening it through the menu:

Now enter avalanche -h to verify everything is working:

avalanche -h

As a result you should see the help of Avalanche CLI:

Avalanche-CLI is a command-line tool that gives developers access to
everything Avalanche. This release specializes in helping developers
build and test Avalanche L1s.

To get started, look at the documentation for the subcommands or jump right
in with avalanche blockchain create myNewAvalanche L1.

  avalanche [command]

Available Commands:
  config                Modify configuration for Avalanche-CLI
  help                  Help about any command
  key                   Create and manage testnet signing keys

Optional: Open Codespace locally in Visual Studio Code

You can switch any time from the browser IDE to Visual Studio Code:

The first time you switch, you will be asked to install the Codespaces extension and connect VS Code to you GitHub account, if it is not already connceted.

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