
Use a Signature Scheme

Learn how to use a signature scheme to secure cross-chain communication.

Let's get our hands dirty and use a signature scheme. We'll take the following steps:

  • Generate Key Pair: We will generate a key pair consisting of a Public and a Secret Key.
  • Sign Message: We create a Signature by signing the Message with the Secret Key.
  • Verify Signature: We verify the Signature of a Message with the Public Key.

Generate Keys

Start by generating a Key Pair consisting of a Public and a Secret Key.

Sign a Message

Now use the generated Secret Key to sign a Message. Pick any message you want to sign, e.g. "Per consensum ad astra".

Enter private key to sign message with

Enter any Message you want to sign with the Private Key

Verify the Signature

Anyone, that has access to your Public Key corresponding to the Private Key used for signing the message can now verify the signature of the Message. Therefore, the Authenticity, Non-Repudiation and Integrity of the Message can be trusted.

Enter the Public Key that signed the Message.

Enter the Message that was signed.

Enter the Signature of the Message.

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