Applications for London Hackathon are now open!
Chain Parameters
Create genesis
Launch your L1
Prepare Validators
Fund P-chain wallet
Create chain
Launch validators
Convert to L1
Launch an RPC node
Open RPC port
Add to wallet
Deploy contracts
Initialize validator manager
What's next?
What's next?
This L1 Launcher will help you getting you're self-hosted L1 set up. It is aimed for developers that want to launch and maintain the validators of their L1 by themselves on their own infrastructure or provider. This tool is free to use and completely open source.
If you're looking for a full-service solution that includes hosting, monitoring, maintenance and support of the L1's validators for you and offers many additional features, consider a Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) like AvaCloud. AvaCloud provides a free trial where you can experience the power of Avalanche L1. If you're looking to spin up short-lived test environments, check out the Avalanche Starter Kit.
Please note that this tool is in Beta and you may experience errors.